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Kiddush sponsorship information

 To reserve a Kiddush: TEXT Chana Miriam Weiss at 412-973-0571 with your choice of Kiddush Type and what the Kiddush is in honor of.  Kiddush must be arranged by Wednesday. You can pay via the "Donate" button.

Kiddush Types:

1. Standard: $100. We provide​

  • paper goods​

  • crackers

  • herring

  • chips & salsa

  • drinks

2. Extra: additional $50. We will provide

  • tuna​

  • veggies

  • dessert

3. Standard Plus: $100 + You provide extra cake/fruit, etc. from Murray Avenue Kosher, Giant Eagle or other stores- Pas Yisrael, Bishul Yisrael, reliable hashgacha (check with Rabbi Silver)

Thank you for sponsoring Kiddush at Young Israel!


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